Befriending for Carers
Fife Carers Centre has a Befriending Service to help carers who are socially isolated to get back out into their local community
Our befrienders can meet up with carers, usually weekly, for 2 – 3 hours to have a friendly chat, go out for a cuppa or visit a local community resource. Or they can simply have a nice chat on the phone with carers.
If you’re a carer and are thinking that having someone to chum you for a bit might just be what you need to help you get out and about then the befriending service may be useful for you - just have a word with your Fife Carers Centre carer support worker and you can discuss it together. If you and your carer support worker decide that the befriending service is for you, the befriending project co-ordinator would have a chat to discuss things further. The discussion would centre around what you are looking for in a befriender before working on finding a suitable match for you. Working together, you and your befriender will look for ways to develop “a life of your own” to enjoy alongside your caring.
Reach out for Support
Caring for your loved one is a journey that deserves all the support it can get. If you're an unpaid carer seeking guidance, a listening ear, or valuable resources, we're here for you.