Who we are


Fife Carers Centre came into being in June 1995 with one part-time worker with the purpose of developing recognition and support for carers within Fife.

In the year that followed it became clear that the level of support needed for carers in Fife was greater than could be met by one individual and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers along with NHS Fife and Fife Council agreed to joint fund a carers centre for three years.

A small office was located in Commercial Street in Kirkcaldy and a staff of four began work supporting individual carers and raising awareness of the needs of carers in general with Health & Social work in Fife.

Within five years it became evident that the centre needed additional staff to be able to cope with the demand and that the premises was too small so funding was gathered from various sources and new premises were bought nearby. Moving into the bigger premises in May 2007 also meant that more staff could be employed. Fife Carers Centre expanded its operation.

We now have 25 staff and deal with around 2500 new contacts from carers each year.

Mission Statement

The aim of Fife Carers Centre is to be a highly regarded carers’ organisation, providing information and support to carers in Fife, offering the highest quality service and ensuring that the carers of Fife hear of and are heard about the issues that affect them.

To achieve this aim, we will:

  • Seek continuous improvement in everything we do.

  • Plan and deliver services based on present and anticipated needs and aspirations.

  • Secure greater recognition for carers, either as individuals or as a group, with all relevant agencies and the general public.

  • Work with the appropriate agencies to highlight the needs of carers, individually and generally and to ensure that these needs are brought to the attention of relevant agencies.

  • Enable carers to contribute effectively to all areas of planning which affect their caring role.

  • Develop services, which will provide carers with support, advice and information, either on an individual or on a group basis.

  • Monitor and evaluate the Centre’s services on an ongoing basis to ensure that the aims are achieved in the most appropriate, efficient and cost effective manner.

  • Provide a service to the whole of Fife that is accessible and available to all carers regardless of race, gender, religion, creed or ability.

  • Retain, recruit, develop and value skilled and motivated staff.

  • Develop open, honest and accountable relationships with our stakeholders and partners through effective communication.

The Board

We are run by a Board of Directors of local volunteers, many of whom are or have been carers.


Vice Convenor

Wendy Chamberlain ©House of Commons/Laurie Noble

Michele Blackwood

John Carkit

Helen Skinner

Marilyn Baxter

Teresa Hughes

Graeme Clelland

Mhairi Lochhead

If you are interested in joining our board of directors, click here

Wendy Chamberlain MP